Solutionation is a word I invented because I thought it’s needed, to express a need. To move from problem to problem, you need problem people; but now we need to move from solution to solution, we need solution people. The problem is, problem people don’t like solution people. They feel threatened: if problem production falls, they are unemployed. That’s a sizable percentage of the workforce.
The problem industry is vast and worldwide. It is an essential part of the functioning of the multi-national organization of problem production. Such is why, that even when a problem is solved, the solution is still ignored by those who profit from problems. The multiplication of problems means more failure, in the sense that nothing will or can change or get done, so no need to try. Why are 85% of people sitting on a couch of some kind, passive, waiting and watching it all pass by, till they pass where they sit? Solutionation should be a word in the dictionary—do they still have those? Invention, innovation, and entrepreneurial acumen are all we have to pull up from this rapidly descending spiral. We'd best improvise some wings quickly. Hal J. Ridley. Jr. Green candidate U.S. House TX-36—I wrote and approve this message. is my personal site. Forgive me, readers, for I have neglected this blog for far too long—almost three months. In the theology of Blogistan, that's a cardinal sin.
Fortunately, I can report, without revealing too much just yet, that my life circumstances are changing in such a way that will allow me to throw a blog (entry) on the proverbial fire more regularly. Conventioneering 2020 Here in Texas, party convention season begins today for Greens and Libertarians. Here is it shapes up for Greens in 2020:
GPTX's State Executive Committee has agreed in principle and practice that candidates who have filed to run but not paid the new HB 2504 filing fees should still be on the ballots at conventions, just in case the fees are overturned via legal action (lawsuit still pending). Among those candidates is Your Humble Blogmeister, running again for US Senate, up for nomination at the State Convention. All Green candidates in Texas are unopposed in their various county, precinct, and state conventions; however, None of the Above is on all the ballots, as always. We should be able to post some info on the results of the precinct and county conventions here in Harris County in the very near future. Both of the Harris County events will take place at Midtown Bar & Grill, 415 West Gray Avenue, 77019. Another Ridley Run The last entry before the long silence mentioned some names of Texas Green Party regulars who filed to run for various offices. Four of those regulars actually paid the requisite filing fees, as prescribed by last year's HB 2504. One of the four names was Hal J. Ridley, Jr. A resident of Bridge City in Orange County TX, Ridley is in his third race for the Congressional seat in TX-36, which covers southeast Texas from Pasadena to Orange and Newton Counties on the Sabine River, skipping Jefferson County (Greater Beaumont/Port Arthur/Nederland). Although most of the district's area is in the Golden Triangle and points north, most of its people are in eastern Harris County. Ridley will host a District 36 convention at Nokturn Coffee Shop on Saturday 21 March, 4-6 pm. Nokturn is located at 17062 Saturn Lane, Houston TX 77058, just west of Johnson Space Center. The main purpose of the convention is to confirm his nomination for the Congressional race. Residents of TX-36 who wish to participate should have their voter registration cards on hand to prove that they have not voted in any other party's primary election this year. Unlike in 2016, the race will most likely feature a Democratic sacrificial la— er, nominee. In 2018, after the Green Party had lost ballot access in Texas, the Democrats of District 36 chose longtime Houston radio personality Dayna Steele to lose to Rep. Brian Babin. Ridley wanted me to get the word out about his candidacy, and of course I couldn't turn him down. I am now informally a member of his media team—which, when you think of it, is pretty sad, because I don't have a list of media contacts for press releases and the like. (Note to self: Learn how to press-release.) He does not as yet have an entry in Ballotpedia yet, so I suppose we should take care of that as well. ![]() Two-time Green Congressional candidate Hal Ridley, Jr., will perform solo acoustic sets Sunday evening, 16 July, at NOKturne in Clear Lake City. The event begins at about 7 pm. In addition to the live music, attendees will have a chance to express their vision of the nation or world they would like to see brought into being. These visions may be captured on video for Green Party promotional purposes. NOKturne is located at the corner of Saturn Lane and Gemini Avenue, just off Bay Area Boulevard. It offers a variety of fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, fine coffees and teas, vegetarian bites, and a few items with chicken or fish. Admission for this event is free, but donations will be accepted. If you'd like to reread the text above on a different site, go here. |
Blogging Sporadically since 2014Here you will find political campaign-related entries, as well as some about my literature, Houston underground arts, peace & justice, urban cycling, soccer, alt-religion, and other topics. Categories
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